
By ldmqmUhAQvn2dL…, 3 August, 2020

If you are using shared web hosting for your composer managed Drupal website, you have probably ran into the problem of your server running out of memory for simple commands such as "composer install". Shared web hosting usually have memory limits which are shared across many websites.

By ldmqmUhAQvn2dL…, 20 January, 2020

In this tutorial I will explain how I accomplished taking a listing of nodes that came from a View and created a Parallax scrolling effect using the Bootstrap theme from Drupal 8.

You will need to have Drupal 8 installed with Views and a Bootstrap subtheme set up.

For this tutorial, I am using a simple Page content type that I created with 3 fields: Title, Body and Background Image.

You should then create a View that lists this Page content type. I am listing the Body field and Background Image field in my example. I am keeping my Page content type and View very simple for explanation purposes. But you can set up more complex Views and content types as you wish. You just need at least an image field (or you can place a background image to an existing content type field via CSS as well).

By ldmqmUhAQvn2dL…, 3 January, 2019

In this article we are going to look at how we can render custom images using image styles in your Twig template in Drupal 8. By custom images, I mean images that originate from a custom module/theme (not an image originating from a field entity/node). In other words, the image would not even exist in "public://your-image.png" but rather it might exist somewhere in your custom module or theme.

By ldmqmUhAQvn2dL…, 17 December, 2013

After months of deliberation and procrastination, I have finally found the time to upgrade my own website. It's now running on Drupal 7. I decided to change the theme and keep it simple. A neat layout and also mobile friendly theme is what I was aiming for. Thanks to the many contributors at Drupal, finding a user contributed simple and clean theme was not very hard at all. The hardest part of this upgrade was the XML Sitemap module.

By ldmqmUhAQvn2dL…, 3 December, 2013

If you still happen to be maintaining a Drupal 5 or 6 website for a client you may encounter this problem of getting access denied even though you correctly entering the right username and password.

The first place to check, (and this is the most common solution), is to check the Sessions table in your mySQL database. Try repairing this table and that should do the trick. An easy way to do this is to use PHPMyAdmin.

By ldmqmUhAQvn2dL…, 14 November, 2012

This is a small tidbit of information in the event that you wanted to alter the Drupal search results page. You can add a custom CSS class to the last search result item (for whatever reason you may have). In my case, I wanted to remove the border-bottom from the last result, so I had to add a special CSS class to do this.

Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Override template_preprocess_search_results
By ldmqmUhAQvn2dL…, 15 October, 2012

This is a small Drupal 7 tip if you wanted to create a custom node view and force a node template to use this custom node view.

Use case

Let's say you are creating a custom node template for a node of type "grades". You may need to show/hide specific fields in your content type for your Grades template. (This is just an example but you can use this tip in various ways).

The Steps

    You can create a new view mode by putting this code into your custom module:

  1. /**
    * Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
    function MYMODULE_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) {
    $entity_info['node']['view modes']['custom_teaser'] = array(
    'label' => t('Your Custom Teaser'),
    'custom settings' => TRUE,
By ldmqmUhAQvn2dL…, 4 February, 2010

Image removed.

A few days ago, the Trinidad Guardian's Main Stage was launched.

Without a doubt, the website runs on the very powerful cutting edge content management system, Drupal 6.

The design was done in-house at The Guardian (provided as a template) and some features used are the jQuery powered photo galleries.

A gallery is considered a "node" which can contain multiple images, all of which are seamlessly uploaded through the web interface of the same website.