Website upgraded - Now using Drupal 6 and a new theme!

By Shivan Jaikaran, 3 February, 2009

Well it has certainly been a while. My site has been neglected for far too long. It was running Drupal 5.9 (!!) for about a year now. So tonight I finally upgraded to Drupal 6 and installed some new spam fighting techniques and well as gave it a new theme.

The entire process took me about 2 hours. I made sure and took cautionary steps such as backing up my site in case anything should go wrong.

My upgrade path took me from Drupal 5.9 to 5.15 and then onto Drupal 6.9. Luckily I was not using too many custom modules, so the upgrade was quite easy. It's really wonderful to use a content management system (CMS) that just works right out of the box. All my blessing goes to Drupal!

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