The South West Regional Health Authority is now using Drupal. Some of the requirements were an easy-to-use content management system where users of the SWRHA can easily update the pages themselves and add/edit new content. The users skills would range from no technical experience to minimal XHTML knowledge.
At the time of delivery of this project to the SWRHA (which was almost a year ago), Drupal 5 was chosen for stability reasons. Upgrading to Drupal 6 is a no-brainer. There were no real challenges with this project. It was just a simple case of delivering a professional looking website with some simple requirements. Probably the most challenging aspect of this project was migration of all the existing data on the old site into the new website. It's good to see Open Source making its way into Government ministries....slowly but surely.
It's a good looking site. The
It's a good looking site. The only thing I would have done is theme the contact us form.