This is my presentation for the event: "Building with Open Source: For Developers", and was presented today for the Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society Software Freedom Day events. Comments and questions are welcome. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. It is available in the OpenOffice format (naturally) and as a pdf.
Today I wanted to merge two PDF files into one final PDF document. On Ubuntu, this was harder than I thought. I have done this on Windows using Adobe and it was pretty simple. I decided that I will make this post so that I can always find the command when I am looking for it. This is a command-line approach. I did not find a nice GUI approach, but if there is anyone out there who has found one, please feel free to leave a comment.
Well that was certainly one of my greatest experiences ever! To all the 29+ organisers, and the Drupal Association, a big hefty CONGRATULATIONS and job well done on hosting a perfect conference. I mean, I expected it to be a good conference, but damnnn, it was far greater than my expectations. I think it was rumoured that this was one of the biggest and most successful Drupalcons ever. Certainly the biggest.
I am certainly looking forward to Drupalcon Paris, although I am not sure if that is financially possible as yet. Time will tell.
Wednesday March 4th - Day 1 of Drupalcon and I already feel like I have been here a week! That's because I attended seven (7) full sessions back to back. There was so much information to absorb, so many great people to meet and so much needs being satisfied. Dries' keynote speech was invigorating as was expected. He touched on showing pictures of one of the very first Drupalcons ever with an average turnout of about 30 people. Today, it's a whopping 1400+!!
This semester, Drupalcon will be held in Washington DC. In case you don't know or you live under a rock, Drupalcon is THE event for Drupal developers. Right now, its sold out with 1400+ Drupal enthusiasts converging under one roof.
The Trinidad Guardian, one of 3 popular newspapers in Trinidad, re-launched their website on New Years Day 2009 using Drupal. The site has a simplistic design done by their in-house graphics designer Ms. Maxie Navarro. The Drupal developer behind it, Shivan Jaikaran, would like to share his techniques as a tech case study.
Well it has certainly been a while. My site has been neglected for far too long. It was running Drupal 5.9 (!!) for about a year now. So tonight I finally upgraded to Drupal 6 and installed some new spam fighting techniques and well as gave it a new theme.
The entire process took me about 2 hours. I made sure and took cautionary steps such as backing up my site in case anything should go wrong.